Interview Tips

Interview Tips

It will help you to relax if you are fully prepared for the interview. This preparation should include practicalities such as:

    Being clear about where and when the interview is taking place. If you have to call to confirm that you will attending the interview then check the place and time.
    Take at least two copies of your CV application form with you. This will give you something to refer to and handy if an interviewer doesn’t have a copy.
    Research answers to a wide range of typical interview questions.
    Prepare a few questions of your own to ask at the end of the interview. For example: What challenges are there associated with the job? (This can give you an opportunity to show how you can meet these).
    Find out as much as you can about the employer - check out their website, if they have one.
    Check Your body Language - practice answering questions in front of a large mirror or film yourself answering questions. This is to heck your body language and how you may be coming across to an employer.
    Decide what is appropriate to wear (including shoes and accessories) and make sure everything is clean and presentable. If you have bought something new make sure you try it on to ensure it fits and goes with whatever else you might be wearing.
    Being clear about where and when the interview is taking place. If you have to call to confirm that you will attending the interview then check the place and time.

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