are two sets of figures namely the Problem figures containing five
figures A, B, C, D, E and the Answer figures (a), (b), (c), (d), (e).
You have to select one figure from the Answer figures which will
continue the same series as given in the Problem figures.
Ans : E. The arrow moves one, two, three, four. Spaces ACW sequentially. The arrowhead changes in the sequence : Circle -> arc -> triangle -> circle -> |
Ans :D. A new feature is added at each step( in a set order). |
Ans : C. In each step, one dot is lost while another dot is replaced by a cross. |
Ans :E. In each step, all the existing elements move to the adjacent side in a CW direction. The number of black circles decreases by one in first, third, fifth and. steps and the number of arrows increases by one in second, fourth, sixth and steps. |
10. |
A.  |
B.  |
C.  |
D. Ans :B. A half circumference of a circle and a quarter circumference of a circle are added to the figure alternately. Also the figure rotates 45° CW in each step. |
E.  |
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